Given our current set of business circumstances, this NOW series will help you take a leadership role in your industry…regardless of what your industry may be. This series doesn’t sell anything…it simply HELPS your business stand out and rise above your competitors. These are practical, actionable, quick-acting, and proven ways to elevate your business above others and make you “top of mind” to your customers. I guarantee they will make a difference in your business. I hope you will find this helpful. I hope you will share them with your fellow business owners and leaders. And I look forward to hearing about how they helped you in some way. If you missed any of the previous articles in the NOW Series, here they are for your reference…
BUILDING LOYALTY is a big bucket of money sitting there, waiting to be picked up!
It is also one of the most significant ways a company can leap ahead of their competitors. But these can only happen when you have a strategic focus on building Loyalty with your audience. Before I share how you can build massive Loyalty, let me clarify one thing. You can only earn Loyalty from your Customers. It should be the goal of every company to get all their desired customers to the status of Loyalty…it’s money in the bank.
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
Speaking of money in the bank, do you calculate a Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) for each of your customers and customer groups? If not, I highly recommend you start here. It is an excellent way for you to get some hard analysis on which customers make you the most profit. It is one tool I find many companies are not using (yet) but will open your eyes to some fantastic information when you go through the exercise of calculating it for each customer.
I talk about it extensively in my upcoming book (learn more about it at the end of this article), but suffice it to say, it should be on your required list when analyzing customers and their contribution to your organization's profitability. In essence, it calculates how much profit you get from each customer and customer group you serve. You essentially identify how much money you make from a given customer over their lifetime (or projected lifetime) minus the costs it takes to acquire them and service them. Let’s look at a straightforward example…
And Example...calculating CLV
Let’s say a customer of yours had an average purchase of $500, and they purchased from you four times a year. Their purchases would give you a total revenue of $2,000 each year. If this customer stayed with you for five years, their estimated revenue for your company would be $10,000. However, to calculate their Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) and profitability, you would need to subtract the costs it takes to acquire and maintain this customer. Let's say it cost you $1,000 to initially acquire the customer and $250 per year to maintain them as a customer (your internal cost to support them). It would cost you $2,000 over the same 5-year period. When you subtract these costs from the revenues, you end up netting $8,000 of gross profit for this particular customer…their VALUE over their LIFETIME. Their CLV is $8,000.
Companies that have a heavy “acquisition strategy” can end up spending much more per customer and may end up with a negative CLV.
When you change your mindset from “acquisition” to “retention and loyalty,” you will see amazing things happen in your business. Your profitability will go up, and your marketing will completely change…both of which are awesome things! I hope you can read my upcoming book on this topic. It represents an incredible opportunity for virtually every company on the planet. And, most importantly, it moves you one step closer to building Advocates, the Holy Grail for any business if they truly want to dominate their market!
To build Loyalty, you have to go back to the basics…building Trust by keeping your Promises.
As you can see in the Advocacy Architecture™ diagram below, there are a few stages your audience needs to go through before they can become Loyal to your business. Everything starts with building Trust. Without trust, there is no chance of building Loyalty. But once you have someone’s Trust, you can then begin to build a solid and “Trusted Relationship” with them, which leads to Loyalty.
If you do nothing more than improving the percentage of Promises you Keep, you will be on a much stronger path to building Trust, which can lead to creating Loyalty with your audience. Sounds simple, right? It isn’t. I have found it very hard for companies to keep their promises. First, most employees don’t understand they are making promises when they interact with their customers. Many promises are “implied,” where a Promise wasn’t actually made, but the audience believes a Promise was made. These are the most dangerous to an organization. The customer hears you promised something to them, but you don’t think you committed or promised. We have a disconnect. Other times, we make a commitment and then don’t keep it…breaking a promise. Both implied and not keeping promises kills the opportunity to build Trust.
You can help build more (and stronger) Loyalty in your audience by helping them improve their life and/or their business.
Another way you can help build more Loyalty in your audience is to “help them improve their life and/or their business.” When someone sees you going out of your way to help them improve, they have more commitment to you. The more things you can do to help them out, the more sense of Loyalty they have to you. People are loyal to those who help them…period. Think about how you specifically help your audience improve their life and/or business.
These are all great questions to stop and ask yourself if you want to improve Loyalty. Take some time to think about the Advocacy Architecture™ and do a self-assessment on how well your company does at each stage to building Loyalty. If you feel you lack in these areas, it would be a great time to identify WHY you are and then develop some specific plans for HOW you can do more in this area. And not just tell your employees to keep more of their promises, for example, that never works. There have to be specific process changes and Customer Experience changes if you want to move the needle in any of these areas. It can be done, and relatively quickly…well within 30 days. You can see significant improvement in 30 days if you have a definite and targeted plan. If you want more guidance on this, shoot me a message, and I would be happy to talk with you and help you get started. Building more Customer Loyalty will definitely change your business significantly…and quickly.
My GOAL For YOU...
As with this series, my goal is always the same…help you be more CUSTOMER OBSESSED so you can become “REMARK”able™, where your customers (and others) are doing your marketing for you and acting as your “Advocates and Marketing Agents™.” Everything I share with you has this underlying purpose and goal attached…I want you to “light up” your audiences so they can become your Advocates and Marketing Agents™. That’s it. If you want the same, keep reading this series. Thank you…
My NEW Book
I referenced earlier that I have a new book coming out. It is finished and getting ready to be launched, so you should hopefully see it this coming month. It will change your business…forever…guaranteed. This series of “NOW is the time to…” talks about some of the book's components. Unlike I can do here in a brief article, I share specific ways for HOW to make it happen in your organization. It’s transformative. Keep your eye open for the announcements of its upcoming release. If you want to be on a list to know about it exactly when it comes out, shoot me an email at, and I’ll make sure you get on the early announcement list.