Discover How You Can Grow and Scale Your Business Faster by going BEYOND DIFFERENTIATION™
and becoming "REMARK "able™
GET THE BOOK that teaches you how go BEYOND DIFFERENTIATION™ and become "REMARK"able™...THE ONLY ONE customers want to buy from!
Surprisingly, this is NOT a book on MARKETING. It is a book that teaches Business Owners and Leaders how to build their business to be THE ONLY ONE in they eyes of their customers. How to go BEYOND DIFFERENTIATION™ and build absolute, and lasting DIFFERENTIATION.
It gives Business Owners and Leaders a very specific recipe and formula for how to build unquestionable DIFFERENTIATION and how to become "REMARK"able™ using the three vital "Cornerstones" to help you get there.
When you become THE ONLY ONE and go BEYOND DIFFERENTIATION™, you can create an incredibly strong and memorable Brand and an army of Advocates and Marketing Agents™ who are excited and anxious to do your marketing for you. You create a high-powered Culture which allows you to eclipse your competition.

What They Say about the Book
"We need to change the way we think about customers (and our business). Traditional Marketing methods aren't wrong, just outdated. They do not help us create loyal, raving fans who want to help us grow our businesses. In "STOP Marketing - Your Customers are Dying To Do It For You," Blaine Millet takes a quantum leap ahead of traditional marketing methods and serving your customers. He provides a revolutionary yet straightforward approach to become unique and completely differentiated in our customers' eyes. Customers are motivated and excited to go out of their way to tell others and do our marketing for us. The author shows us why, and crucially how, to rethink our entire customer interaction process by creating a culture of customer obsession. This game-changing model changes and revolutionizes the most critical of all decisions, which is how we find, treat, and retain loyal customers who use the power of their microphone to sing our praises and literally do our marketing for us. This book is a must-read for any business leader who wants to grow and scale their business faster and more profitably."
Michael Langhout // Founder and Managing Partner Langhout International LLC
"Blaine has nailed it and is right on the money in his book, "Stop Marketing - Your Customers are Dying To Do It For You." Traditional marketing is not only dead, it is a thing of the past! Being Customer Obsessed is the only way your business will not only succeed but thrive in today's world. The game has changed! Before selling my company, we were using Blaine' model of being "Customer Obsessed" and it not only worked externally and internally, but it changed our business! We were growing at an astounding rate and succeeding and winning every day! The "customer experience" is what your business will be judged on. If that customer experience is remarkable, then you will exceed expectations! This book is a MUST-READ for all employees within your organization!"
Rick Smith // Former CEO of EJ Bartells
"Blaine Millet brings simple AND meaningful right to your fingertips in this book. I love "How to become "REMARK"able™ by being Customer Obsessed" simply because it changed our business. It will change yours too. The impact you feel is two-fold: your team will become "driven to serve," and your customers will recognize that experience. I owe a profound "debt" of gratitude to Blaine for writing this book and sharing it with me."
Dave Carroll // VP Banner Bank Retail Banking and Founder of Cantillon
"Blaine's concept of becoming "REMARK"able™ by being customer Obsessed connects directly with Alta's core Guiding Principle of "Customers for Life." Focusing on the "REMARK"able Triangle™ cornerstones of Trust, Customer Experience, and Supporting our customers and local communities are critically essential as we strive to be the differentiated leader in our industry."
Brian McKenzie // General Manager Chicago Industrial Group Alta Equipment Company
"We have enjoyed working with Blaine at MHEDA because we share the same belief system in that being Customer Obsessed is the only way to serve our member and provide them with the value they expect and deserve. We look forward to continuing to differentiate our organization by improving our practices and focusing on his unique model, "The "REMARK"able Triangle™," so we can continue to build more Trust, improve our Customer Experience, and always be Helping Others."
Liz Richards // CEO Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association