
Welcome Virtual Vino LIVE…

 September 8, 2011

By  Blaine Millet

OK, I already know, I haven’t posted anything for a while, I have already heard from many of my loyal readers.  But there is a reason and some exciting news…

Good news is that I have lots of posts drafted so these will start rolling out shortly – stay tuned.  I have been talking to a number of CEOs and others and have some interesting insights to share.

For the exciting news and reason, we finally launched our Virtual Vino LIVE internet Wine Show and site this past weekend – WooHoo!  It has been a couple years in the making since I first started developing the concept and now it is finally here.  My partner, Cathi Hatch, and I think we have something that will appeal to anyone who drinks wine.  The show is fun, informative, and most of all, helps you take the guesswork out of buying Pacific Northwest wines.

The goal right now is to use social media, of course, and get the word out to others who enjoy a glass of wine from time to time with friends and family.  Our goal, “Having Celebrity palates taste Northwest wines and help you pick the best wine for your money.”  What this really means is that we have a panel of celebrities, with more expensive palates than the average person, tasting wines that are typically less than $50 a bottle and giving you their opinions and votes as to the best wine and the best value.

Oh yes, and you get to see these celebrities outside of their “day-to-day environments” having some fun, letting their hair down (providing they still have some), and interacting with other celebrities.  I have to tell you, this has really been a kick producing and filming these shows.  And the best part, they are completely UNedited, UNscripted, and UNrehearsed (I don’t actually think that’s a word but it works better in the sentence).  So jump on the Virtual Vino LIVE site and check it out – share your thoughts, spread the news, and create some word-of-mouth of your own about the show.  Enjoy…

Blaine Millet

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About the Author

Blaine is an author, speaker, and President of WOM10. He is a thought leader in the area of Customer Obsession and generating massive Word-of-Mouth for organizations. He has a laser focus on helping companies become "REMARK"able where their customers do their marketing for them.

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