When are companies going to GET IT – the customer has a voice about the experience they want from a company. Unless companies can dial into this experience, they will become irrelevant. A great article that supports this and has the numbers to back it us is the Internet Retailer and their article, “Companies fail to measure and act on customer feedback, study finds.”
The key message from their study, “Giving Customer Voice more Volume,” was summarized perfectly, “Customer experience is one of the most critical determinants of brand strength and business growth. Yet most organizations and senior marketers suffer from major blind spots and gaps in the way they interact, handle and respond to customer issues or problems,” says council executive director Donovan Neale-May.
The truth be told, it is far easier than companies believe it is to actually understand the customer experience their customers want. At least 8 out of 10 companies I talk with make this process far more complicated than it should be. And as such, either delay the process or make it so difficult that their customers choose not to participate or contribute since they know it won’t do any good. Are you one of those organizations? If so, my free advice is STOP making it so complicated and your customers will reward you for your simplicity. Hope this helps.